World Wide Ebook giveaway & New year wishes!
This festive season with the start of the new year I am launching the ebooks of my award-winning cookbooks “Lip Smacking Dishes of Kerala” (3rd Best Local Cuisine book in the world for Gourmand awards 2013-14) and “4 o’ clock temptations of Kerala” (Best Indian cookbook in the world for Gourmand Awards 2015-16).
I will be giving away 10 ebooks ..make sure to grab your copies by entering the giveaway. If you would like to celebrate the regional flavor of Indian cooking through Kerala cuisine or would like to gift your friend or loved one…
Click here to enter the giveaway
The results will be announced on the 2oth of January 2019
If you would like to get the paperback copies of the books, you can order them here.
Wishing you all the very best!!
Let’s welcome the year which is fresh
Let’s welcome the year which is new,
Let’s cherish each moment it beholds,
Let’s celebrate this blissful new year.

A homemaker who fell head over heels in love with food -an award-winning cookbook author, food blogger, award-winning culinary demonstrator